Social Networking; A boon or bane?




Since the inception of the social networking, communication pattern and preferences has been altered by 180 degree. The trend of ‘please fill my auto’ among the student has changed to ‘add me in the facebook’. Furthermore, people now a day love to define the status of their relationship on the basis of the likes, comments and shares they receive in the social networking. This has set a bad myth for the relationship goals and achievements in life.


There is a famous proverb saying’ time is money’. It assumes that utilizing your time in some productive task, may in return gift you with bulky purse. But the social networking has created a massive revolution in the underlying statement reimbursing ‘time is entertainment’. Accordingly, many of the social network users claim they lose their valuable time easily which may be productive for the person who is waiting few hours for the bus or aeroplane but may create enormous loss in long term for the person working in office.


One Scientific research done on social networking claimed, it makes person more creative and proactive towards their work and next claims it loses the person’s average emotional intelligence as they have to enjoy on others joy and happiness. Whatever be the research report stating the main thing we need to acknowledge is that it possess potential to create vibrant transformation in person. The mysterious energy can be used for positive reformation and reincarnation of new human being inside.


The journey from body fever to technology fever is really impressive. Social media companies knows a lot about you,- the stories you like, share or comment, the friends you don’t want to hear from but won’t un-follow, how hard your last breakup was and so on. They use marketing ads and tools to create a psychological addiction for you which encourage you to be there continuously. The nightmare of FOMO( Fearing of missing out) is the strong motive behind. This is the latest marketing technique being viral in the market. Further, few companies took intermediate advantage and had already started to search your facebook history to find high degree of correlation between organizational and personal objectives.


Social media presence may prove fruitful when you want to boom your confidence and motivation, be centre of attraction, trespass your online competitor by uploading a eye catching picture or video. Similarly in the contradictory situation it may invite mental trauma of receiving, less likes/ comments, fake identities, more procrastination, less privacy, victim of cyber crime and bullying. In nutshell, it’s the perception overruling the person to distinguish the social media as a boon or bane.

(Writer of this article likes to speak on vivid topic as a social protagonist and currently serving as a Lecturer at Pokhara University)